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Testi musica - Amon Amarth - Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds - Under The Grayclouded Winter Sky

Amon Amarth

Album Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds

Under The Grayclouded Winter Sky

Grey clouds - cover the winter skyCold snow - falls like autumn leaves to the ground
The icy windPierces the skin of waiting warriorsLike spearsWill pierce their bodies in battle
FrostedBeards on pale grey facesEyes of deathAre burning with rage
Glancing across the fields of TyrIn the early morning light
Grey clouds - cover the winter skyCold snow - falls like autumn leaves to the ground
The icy windPierces the skin of waiting warriorsLike spearsWill pierce their bodies in battle
War cries break the silent waitCharging warriors rush to killSwords are swung in the airThe gods of war are called
Vikings with fire in soulClash on the open fieldSlaying with powerful strokesThe snow is turning red
Hooves gallop the plainsWarlords on horsebacksRide into battleWith a thunderous roar
The storm wind of deathBlows across the fieldSweeping with itEverything in its way
So the battle settlesAlone stands just one manUnder the grey-clouded winter sky - alone. . .

Amon Amarth - Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds