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Testi musica - Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising - War Of The Gods

Amon Amarth

Album Surtur Rising

War Of The Gods

War, the mirthless war of our worldwhen the treacherous wench is killedthree times burned, the three times bornby fear it claims was Gullveig torn
Death, Odin held his spear up with great forcedeep into the great god of fearbattle horns gave off their soundand Asgard was razed to the ground
The Vanir failed to see Honir was a foolwithout Mi'mir at his side Honir could not rule
In a field of violent rage Mi'mir's blood was shedand to Odin's court they sent Mi'mir's severed head
Truce, so a brittle and frail ease was forgedinto a shattered piece to makeNjordr and Freyr to Asgard cameand Honir and Mim to Vanaheim
Death, see the furious gods washed in bloodand Odin knew that the way to warwould not bring them any gainjust leave a black and bitter stain
Odin tog huvudet och smorde det med artersom hindrar det fron att ruttnahan kvad sina trollsonger aver detso att Mimer oter kunde tala till honom
The Vanir failed to see Honir was a foolwithout Mi'mir at his side Honir could not rule
In a field of violent rage Mi'mir's blood was shedand to Odin's court they sent Mi'mir's severed head
[English translation:]Odin took the head, and anointed it with herbswhich prevents it from rottinghe sang his magic songs over itso that Mimer be able to speak to him

Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising