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Testi musica - Scouting For Girls - Raccolta - Fitter In Your Myspace Picture

Scouting For Girls

Album Raccolta

Fitter In Your Myspace Picture

Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oooh [Ripetere 4 volte]
I remembered you from school
But I never got your call
Back then
Then there was something out the blue
I received a note from you
An old friend
You'd found me on Facebook
You dropped me a line
We talked of our school days
And spoke of old times
I remembered you were nice
But you were fitter in your myspace picture [Ripetere 2 volte]
So what do you say,
How about a drink one day?
And maybe
Maybe something more
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oooh [Ripetere 2 volte]
We'd been talking for a week
When you said that we should meet sometime
I've already had some notes
That you'll pick some videos online
From Facebook to Myspace
I asked you round my place
You are way too noisy so
I left disappointed
I don't mean to complain
'Cos it's great to see you again
I just thought there might be something more
Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh Oooh [Ripetere 4 volte]
There might be [Ripetere 4 volte] something more [Ripetere 2 volte]
From Myspace to Facebook
And Friends Reunited
Enjoy all those pictures
Just don't get excited
Chorus [Ripetere 4 volte]

Scouting For Girls - Raccolta