Death In Fire
The wait is soon at endAlways charge never bendMorning is here, make your standLive for honor, glory, death in fire!
Total war is hereFace it without fearAge of sword, age of spearFight for honor, glory, death in fire!
See the fire riseFlames are raging highSoon all will burn and dieBurn for honor, glory, death in fire!
Storm of lethal flamesOnly death remainsRagnar?k is closing inDie for honor, glory, death in fire!
Forces of chaos is on the moveEveryone, choose your sideAnd know the end is coming soonThe day for all to die
The day is here when Bifrost breaksNor sun or moon will riseWhen the dead rise from their gravesand Surtur spreads his fire
All you know will wither awayAnd sink into the seaA new world will be born one dayWhere everyone is free
[Lead Soderberg]
Total war is here, face it without fearAge of sword, age of spearFight for honor, glory, death in fire!
Storm of lethal flamesOnly death remains - Ragnar?k is our fateDie for honor, die for gloryDie, death in fire!
Total war is hereFace it without fearAge of sword, age of spearFight for honor, glory, death in fire!
See the fire riseFlames are raging highSoon all will burn and dieBurn for honor, glory, death in fire!
Storm of lethal flamesOnly death remainsRagnar?k is closing inDie for honor, glory, death in fire!
Forces of chaos is on the moveEveryone, choose your sideAnd know the end is coming soonThe day for all to die
The day is here when Bifrost breaksNor sun or moon will riseWhen the dead rise from their gravesand Surtur spreads his fire
All you know will wither awayAnd sink into the seaA new world will be born one dayWhere everyone is free
[Lead Soderberg]
Total war is here, face it without fearAge of sword, age of spearFight for honor, glory, death in fire!
Storm of lethal flamesOnly death remains - Ragnar?k is our fateDie for honor, die for gloryDie, death in fire!