Vs The World
One we were scum of the EarthNow we've cleared our namesIn Nifelheim came rebirthBaptized in Mount Doom's flames
A decade now we've fought this warNever yielding from our pathOur journeys take us to foreign shoresWhere we let our metal blast
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledBut we always made it through - Vs the worldThis may be our last questBefore we're put to restThe end is coming soon - Vs the world
Warriors of the grave tooks us southHell bent on genocideThey made us face the brutal truthThis would be no easy ride
Grotesque creatues of the skyMet with us on winter fieldsChristian god cast aside - Massacre of hallowed eve
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledBut we always made it through - Vs the worldThis may be our last questBefore we're put to restThe end is coming soon - Vs the world
Persian demons brought us southOn merciless campaignWe've raided the western shoresAlways going against the grain
All these years we've fought to winAnd sometimes almost diedI tell you now we won't give inWithout a vicious fight
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledVersus the world
A decade now we've fought this warNever yielding from our pathOur journeys take us to foreign shoresWhere we let our metal blast
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledBut we always made it through - Vs the worldThis may be our last questBefore we're put to restThe end is coming soon - Vs the world
Warriors of the grave tooks us southHell bent on genocideThey made us face the brutal truthThis would be no easy ride
Grotesque creatues of the skyMet with us on winter fieldsChristian god cast aside - Massacre of hallowed eve
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledBut we always made it through - Vs the worldThis may be our last questBefore we're put to restThe end is coming soon - Vs the world
Persian demons brought us southOn merciless campaignWe've raided the western shoresAlways going against the grain
All these years we've fought to winAnd sometimes almost diedI tell you now we won't give inWithout a vicious fight
We've been battered and left for deadWe've been beaten and we have bledVersus the world